Our Approach

Our approach is entirely patient-centric and focuses on diseases with significant unmet needs that cause maximal negative impact to public health.

Disease Intervention

Our focus is on identifying biological signaling pathways with well validated and understood biology that drive diseases but have proven hard to drug

Structure-Based Drug Design

We utilize advanced computational chemistry alongside other technologies to more effectively leverage high-resolution protein structural data for targeting drugs and modulating their functional activity.

Structural Biology

We deploy a range of technologies, including X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to generate atomic-resolution structural data on our targets and reveal completely novel therapeutic drug candidates. E.g. Toelzer et al Science Magazine.

Computational Chemistry

We utilize computational chemistry with a focus on physics-based analyses of our drug target to design small molecule drugs that provide the desired biological modulation.

Molecular Sciences

Our comprehensive expertise spans protein science, biophysics, enzymology and screening. This assures optimization of our therapeutic candidates across a stringent set of drug-like properties.

Breakthroughs by Design

Our resulting potent and selective small molecule compounds provide the means for us to gain a deeper understanding of biology and develop new therapies for clinical evaluation in patients.